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Nget Moses: The Cambodian Digital Rights Guru

Enthusiastic about sharing knowledge on internet safety and digital skills through his consultancy work and advocacy, Nget Moses is working to promote digital rights and educate users about online privacy during the information age in Cambodia.

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Eng Sreypov: The divergent branch

Struggle is common to every journey, however finding the right cause is deeply personal. This is a story of 23-year-old environmental advocate, Eng Sreypov, who found her calling in the midst of Cambodia’s forests.

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From Preserving to Social Commentary: How Choreographer Nget Rady Brings Khmer Culture into Light

Built on the foundation of Khmer classical dance he gained in high school and incorporating elements of contemporary dance he picked up along the way, Rady’s career in performance art continues to flourish. But it is this modern form of movement that he believes can make the arts more relatable and useful for educating the public about important social issues.

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video creator

Join At Sotheavy’s Think Plastic for Greener Kingdom

With her expertise in video production and a love for the environment, At Sotheavy uses Facebook to advocate against single-use plastic waste through the ‘Think Plastic’ campaign. She is going against the tide of the public’s choice of short-life convenience lifestyle over the long-term impact on the environment.

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